WagonCon 2020 – Convention Update regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Hello Everyone,

As you are all aware, the world is dealing with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and an increasing number of events in our area are being cancelled or postponed.  As WagonCon is now seven weeks away, we felt it was important to send out a response regarding this evolving issue.

We have been carefully following the developments and recommendations of our government and health experts.  Currently, we are looking closely at our options for WagonCon this year and will keep you informed should any changes in our plans take place.  At this time, we are still planning to host WagonCon from May 1-3, 2020.

Our event does not currently fall under the gathering restrictions put in place by Oregon’s Governor Brown.  WagonCon is outside the 4-week time frame and below the 250+ group size restriction. That being said, our concern is for the well-being of our attendees.

We love our WagonCon family and want to have a safe, healthy, wonderful convention.  If you, for whatever reason, do not feel comfortable attending the convention this year please reach out to us for a refund or roll-over of your membership to next year’s con.  

We will keep you updated on any changes to our plans should they occur.  If you have any questions you can reach us on social media or by email at wagoncon@gmail.com and we will work to answer them as quickly as we can.

May the dice ever roll in your favor,

The WagonCon Board

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